Chapter 3 - August (Part One)
Well well well, chaps, we’re due a blog, aren’t we? Indeed we are - and get one you shall. This may well have a slightly different tone...
Chapter 2 - July (Part Two)
The north island of New Zealand was good to us in many ways. It taught us many lessons about life, our aspirations and, more importantly,...
Chapter 2 - July (Part One)
Well, July, it’s been emotional. Actually, wait. Is emotional the right word? Maybe the word frustrating would be more appropriate. Or...
Worried about your dosh? - Rating New Zealand’s ‘paid attractions’
‘New Zealand is a backpackers playground’ some square with a man bun stated once upon a time. Well, I may well be wrong about the origin...
Chapter 1 - June
This blog post has come a little later than I planned. The devil of procrastination has had me in a pretty relentless headlock for the...